

EDUA 3312

EDUA 3312 Fine Arts in the Classroom (3-0). Course is designed to introduce students to the principles of art, music, and theatre that can be related to the expressive and developmental needs of children in the Early Childhood-Sixth grade classroom. ?Students will learn basic techniques, activities, and strategies for integrating art, music, and theatre into the EC-6 curriculum. Equivalent courses: ED 3312 (through Summer 2022), EDSR 3312

Spring 2024

Fine Arts in the Classroom   Section V01   Leinora Alimboyoguen
Fine Arts in the Classroom   Section VMC   Leinora Alimboyoguen
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2023

Fine Arts in the Classroom   Section V02   Leinora Alimboyoguen

Fall 2022

Fine Arts in the Classroom   Section V01   Leinora Alimboyoguen