Campus Technology: Information & Resources
LTAC Tip Tuesday
Every Tuesday the Chief Information Officer sends out a “Tip Tuesday” to university faculty and staff. You can find several solutions on LTAC at (authentication required): ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus (
The video links and resources come from Blackboard Inc. and our friends at Sam Houston State University. If you have any questions about BlackBoard, please contact Tim Parsons at 432-837-8525.
Creating Rubrics
This video shows you how to create a rubric for assessing and grading student work.
Associating Rubrics in Blackboard Learn
This video shows you how to associate a rubric with a gradable content item.
Blackboard Rubrics: How to Import Them
This video walks you through how to import a Blackboard Rubric into an existing Blackboard course.
For more resources, go to the Faculty Central section of Blackboard for blog posts, videos, and tutorials.
Office 365
Top 20 Microsoft Outlook Tips & Tricks
In this step-by-step tutorial, learn the top 20 best Microsoft Outlook tips and tricks.
How to Use Microsoft Outlook Effectively
Learn how to use the latest version of Microsoft Outlook effectively in this quick tutorial overview.
How to Use OneNote Effectively (Stay organized with little effort!)
A Beginners Guide to Microsoft OneNote
In this beginners guide to Microsoft OneNote, we show you how to organize your notebooks with sections and pages; how to add content; what type of content you can add, and also how to share your notes, giving you tips along the way.
Microsoft Excel Tutorial – Beginners Level 1
This video tutorial will show you how to use Microsoft Excel for beginners.
Excel Formulas and Functions Tutorial
Learn how to use these 17 formulas in Excel.
Microsoft Word Tutorial – Beginners Level 1
This video tutorial will show you how to use Microsoft Word for beginners level 1. For level 2 click here:
Advanced Microsoft Word – Formatting Your Document
If you like this video, here’s the entire playlist of Word tutorials:
Microsoft Teams Tutorial in 10 minutes
In this step-by-step tutorial in under 10 minutes, learn how you can use Microsoft Teams to meet, chat, and collaborate with others.
Want to learn more? You can do this! Try a Google Search or asking one of the Librarians for advice.
Project Management
How to use
Day-to-day Project Management (tutorial for beginners)
Everything You Can Do with!
Managing teams and projects is now easier than ever.
Getting Started with Trello (demo)
Brian from the Trello team walks you through a basic introduction of a Trello board.