How to Design an Effective Training
LinkedIn. (2023, June 12). “How do you design effective training and development programs for your staff?” [Web log posts].
- Assess your needs
- Define your objectives
- Choose your methods
- Implement your program
- Evaluate your results
How to Give a Killer Presentation
Anderson, C. (2013, June). “How to Give a Killer Presentation: Lessons from TED by Chris Anderson.” Harvard Business Review.
- Frame Your Story
- Plan Your Delivery
- Develop Stage Presence
- Plan the Multimedia
- Putting it Together
Disabilities, Opportunities, Interworking, and Technology. Presentation Tips.
- Prepare well in advance
- Incorporate universal design principles
- Facilitate interaction, sharing of experiences, and creative problem-solving within each session
- Promote a welcoming and non-judgmental learning environment