Mission Statement

The Lobo Pantry is in place to assist students who are concerned with food insecurity/access. Students can contact us themselves or a faculty/staff member can reach out and recommend services for a student in need. Students are eligible to receive items at least monthly, but possibly more often, depending on the supply. The Lobo Pantry began with Coronavirus grant funding in the summer of 2020.  If you would like to donate non-perishable food and hygiene products, please contact us!

Services & Hours of Operation


  • Physical On-Campus Food Pantry (Alpine ONLY)
  • Produce Distributions (Alpine ONLY)
  • Referral Services to local food pantry for online or Sul Ross International Students

Hours of Operation:

  • Thursdays: 3-5:30 p.m.

Make an Appointment

  1. Go to Outlook and access your school email.
  2. Type in lobo.pantry@sulross.edu
  3. In the Subject line, type in: Appointment, Name, School issued A#
  4. Then type out a message that you would like to make an appointment for (insert DATE) at (insert TIME) and you would like to confirm this date and time.

Schedule an appointment


  • Ferguson Hall 108

Contact Information:

Items Needed:

  • Student ID
  • Name
  • School email
  • Phone Number

Products We Carry:

  • Proteins
  • Canned Goods
  • Pasta
  • Seasonings (varies)
  • PB & J
  • Juice
  • Milk

Meet Our Staff!

[Award Content]


Below are a few of testimonials from our Lobos!

"The Lobo Pantry has been amazing resource with a great staff that helps out so much...provided me with basic food when I didn't have enough money for groceries."

"I appreciate being able to pick up some basics from the pantry... I also enjoy being able to take foods hat I normally would deny myself from purchasing, like desserts. Even though the sweet foods aren't essential for survival, it makes me feel a lot better to have a treat every now and then."

"The Lobo Pantry has literally saved my family and I. After paying off all my necessary bills for the month, I am usually left with very little money for groceries. We are grateful for Katy and her student workers.""

"We as students are grateful for such a program like the lobo pantry ❤️"


Frequently Asked Questions

How often can I use the Lobo Pantry?

The Lobo Pantry allows for each student to have ONE visit per month.

If I live off campus, can I still use the Lobo Pantry?

Yes! As long as you are a student at Sul Ross State University, you can use the Lobo Pantry.

Do Special Deliveries or Produce Pods count against my Monthly pantry visit??

No! Special deliveries and produce pods do not count against your monthly pantry visit.

Where does the food come from?

The food that the pantry has comes from donations from our community or from our partnership with West Texas Foodbank!

Do you accept donations?

Absolutely! The pantry does prefer nonperishable foods or those with long shelf lives. We also accept hygiene products!


Food Pantry of Alpine:

  • Address: 933 E Gallego Ave., Alpine, TX
  • Phone Number: (432) 294-5053

Counseling and Accessibility Services (SRSU):

  • Location: Ferguson Hall 112
  • Phone Number: (432)837-8203
  • Email: counseling@sulross.edu
  • Hours: Monday-Friday / 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Student Health Services (Nurse’s Office / SRSU):

  • Location: Morgan University Center 211G
  • Phone Number: (432)837-8102
  • Email: health@sulross.edu
  • Hours: Monday-Friday / 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.