
Professional Development Committee

The establishment of this special committee will promote broad-based participation and decision-making in the policies and employee professional development programs offered at all Sul Ross State University campuses.

Serving at the pleasure of the President, the Professional Development Committee is responsible for advising the Office of Educational and Cultural Resources, who oversees the Pack First Professional Development Initiative, on policies, procedures, and practices to promote continuous and effective professional development at all campuses for all levels of employees. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, planning, executing, and assessing events, and support and promotion for a university-wide culture of continued development.

Primary Responsibility Area: All Sul Ross State University Campuses

Term: Membership is continuous and at the request of the President


April Aultman Becker, Co-Chair Assistant VP for Institutional Effectiveness ex-officio
Kayla Waggoner, Co-Chair Institutional Effectiveness Coordinator ex-officio
Robert Munoz Vice President ex-officio
Karlin DeVoll Director of Human Resources ex-officio
Neal Xiong Alpine Faculty Assembly Appointee
Wesley Wynne RGC Faculty Senate Appointee
Juan Tamez RGC Staff Council Appointee
Jacob Fuentes OIT Appointee
Betse Esparza Communications Appointee
Ben Telesca President’s Office Appointee

Quick Links and Documents

President’s Committee/Teams Annual Report

2021 – 2022