College of Education & Professional Studies


A Master’s of Education in Educational Leadership can prepare you for a variety of leadership roles in schools and other educational organizations. It will prepare you to lead instructional improvement efforts, and work in positions such as instructional coach, curriculum specialist, and master teacher.  It may also prepare you for supervisory and leadership roles in colleges, K-12 schools, and work in positions such as principal, assistant principal, and academic dean.  The Educational Leadership degree can also prepare you for licensing as a building-level administrator. An MEd in Educational Leadership can also prepare you for careers in nonprofits, government, museums, historical sites, and similar institutions.

If you are ready to take the next step in your career, Sul Ross State University can help get you there with an MEd in Educational Leadership.

If you are a certified teacher and want an MEd in Educational Leadership with Principal Certification, we have this option too!

For more information contact:

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MAB 305
432 837 8207