

Elizabeth Measures

Professor of Geology

Curriculum Vitæ

College of Ag, Life & Physical Sciences
WSB 315   Box 64
837 8117

Spring 2024

GEOL 2401 001   Lithology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 2401 L01   Lithology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 3305 001   Geol of West Nat'l Parks        
GEOL 3305 T05   Geol of West Nat'l Parks        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 5334 001   Geological Methodology        
GEOL 6040 011   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2023

GEOL 2405 001   Optical Mineralogy        
GEOL 2405 L01   Optical Mineralogy Lab        
GEOL 4401 001   Sedimentary Petrology        
GEOL 4401 L01   Sedimentary Petrology Lab        
GEOL 5334 001   Geological Methodology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 6040 301   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2023

GEOL 3311 001   ST: History of Geology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 3311 HMC   ST: History of Geology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 3411 001   Invertebrate Paleontology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 3411 L01   Invertebrate Paleontology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 5404 001   ST: Invertebrate Paleontology        
GEOL 5404 L01   ST:Invertebrate Paleontlgy Lab        
GEOL 6040 001   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2022

GEOL 2405 002   Optical Mineralogy        
GEOL 2405 L01   Optical Mineralogy Lab        
GEOL 4401 001   Sedimentary Petrology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 4401 L01   Sedimentary Petrology Lab        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 4401 MC1   Sedimentary Petrology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 5334 001   Geological Methodology        
GEOL 6040 201   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 6040 206   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation

Summer 2022

GEOL 6040 001   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2022

GEOL 1103 L01   Physical Geology Lab        
GEOL 1103 L02   Physical Geology Lab        
GEOL 1303 001   Physical Geology        
GEOL 3301 001   Geology of West Texas        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 3301 MC1   Geology of West Texas        
GEOL 5326 001   Carbonate Petrology        
 | Student Evaluation
GEOL 6040 101   Thesis Research        
GEOL 6040 102   Thesis Research        
 | Student Evaluation