

EDUA 5314

EDUA 5314 Personality and Counseling Theory (3-0) A study of human personality dynamics as related to counseling theory and practice, emphasis on traditional, contemporary, modern humanistic and phenomenological theories as they apply to counseling and developmental guidance in a pluralistic society. Must be taken within the first 12 hours. Equivalent course: ED 5314 (through Summer 2022), EDSR 5314.

Fall 2024

Personality & Counseling Thry   Section SC1   Meara McMains
 | Student Evaluation

Summer 2024

Personality & Counseling Thry   Section 1CM   Meara McMains
 | Student Evaluation
Personality & Counseling Thry   Section 2SC   Meara McMains
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

Personality & Counseling Thry   Section CMH   Meara McMains

Fall 2023

Personality & Counseling Thry   Section SC1   Meara McMains

Summer 2023

Personality & Counseling Thry   Section 2SC   Ruben Franco

Spring 2023

Personality & Counseling Thry   Section CMH   Tiffany Telesca

Fall 2022

Personality & Counseling Thry   Section SC1   Tiffany Telesca