STAT 5413 Biostatistical Analysis Application in R and SPSS (2-4). An advanced course in statistical concepts and models applied to agricultural and biological systems. Emphasis will be placed on data analysis and interpretation using computer statistical applications. The course applies all null hypotheses significance testing (NHST) procedures taught in NRM 5412 first in Program SPSS then in Program R after the thorough overview of R programming. NHST theory for these advanced scenarios will also be introduced and applied in R; Generalized Linear Models (GLMs) including Poisson regression dichotomous variables binomial distribution and proportion testing and logistic regression: Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMMs); and circular distributions. Equivalent course: BIOL 5317 (through Summer 2022), ANSC 5313 (through Summer 2022), NRM 5313 (through Summer 2022), NRM 5413 (through Summer 2022).