

Lisa Sousa

Assistant Professor of Education, Educational Diagnostician Program Coordinator -Alpine Campus-

Curriculum Vitæ

MAB 309E   C-115
432 837 8173

About Dr. Sousa

Dr. Lisa Thompson Sousa is an Assistant Professor and the Program Coordinator for the Educational Diagnostician Graduate Program for Sul Ross State University.  She is a practicing Educational Diagnostician with 22 years of assessment experience for children of all ages and ability levels.  Her research interests include assistive technology and high incidence disabilities.


Selected Publications:

Thompson Sousa, L. (2023) Utilizing Screencasting and Veedback: Trending toward Research Based Practice. The Texas Forum for Teacher Education: Special Education Special Edition. 


News and  Events:


NEWS AND FEATURES: Dr. Lisa Thompson Sousa receives award for online program (2023)




Summer 2024

EDUA 5312 1W1   AdvSurvey Exceptional Children        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 5312 1W2   AdvSurvey Exceptional Children        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 5320 2W2   Assmnt in Systems of Support        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 5320 2W3   Assmnt in Systems of Support        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 5321 1W1   Foundtns of Special Ed Law        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 5321 1W2   Foundtns of Special Ed Law        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 5325 2W1   Evidence Based Intervention        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 5325 2W2   Evidence Based Intervention        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

EDUA 5320 1W1   Assmnt in Systems of Support        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 6308 W01   Adv Human Growth & Devlpmnt        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 6314 W01   Diag & Corr of Rdng Disab        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 7318 W01   Practicum in Special Education        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 7318 W02   Practicum in Special Education        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2023

EDUA 5312 W01   AdvSurvey Exceptional Children        
EDUA 6308 W01   Adv Human Growth & Devlpmnt        
EDUA 6314 W01   Diag & Corr of Rdng Disab        
EDUA 7318 W01   Practicum in Special Education        
EDUA 7318 W02   Practicum in Special Education        

Summer 2023

EDUA 5312 1W1   AdvSurvey Exceptional Children        
EDUA 5320 2W1   Assmnt in Systems of Support        
EDUA 5320 2W2   Assmnt in Systems of Support        
EDUA 5321 1W1   Foundtns of Special Ed Law        
EDUA 5321 1W2   Foundtns of Special Ed Law        
EDUA 5325 2W1   Evidence Based Intervention        
EDUA 5325 2W2   Evidence Based Intervention        
 | Student Evaluation
EDUA 7305 2W1   Workshop in Education        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2023

EDUA 5306 W01   Assmnt of Indvidl Intelligence        
EDUA 5320 W01   Assmnt in Systems of Support        
EDUA 6308 W01   Adv Human Growth & Devlpmnt        
EDUA 7318 W01   Practicum in Special Education        

Fall 2022

EDUA 5306 W01   Assmnt of Indvidl Intelligence        
EDUA 5312 W01   AdvSurvey Exceptional Children        
EDUA 6308 W01   Adv Human Growth & Devlpmnt        
EDUA 6314 W01   Diag & Corr of Rdng Disab        
EDUA 7318 W01   Practicum in Special Education        

Summer 2022

ED 5312 1W1   Adv Srvy Exceptional Children        
ED 5320 2W1   Adv Meth for Except Chld        
ED 5321 1W1   Found of Special Ed Law        
ED 5325 2W1   Evidence Based Intervention        

Spring 2022

ED 4306 W01   Survey of Exceptional Children        
ED 5320 W01   Adv Meth for Except Chld        
ED 5323 W01   Appraisal of Educ Disabilities        
ED 6308 W01   Adv Human Grwth & Dev        
ED 7318 001   Practicum in Special Education