

Andrew D. Alegría

Asst. Professor of Music / Director of Choral Activities and Vocal Study

Curriculum Vitæ

Fine Arts & Communication
FAB 200A   C-43

Summer 2024

MUS 1309 1W1   American Music        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

MUS 1111 002   Ind. Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 1112 001   Vocal Ensemble: Concert Choir        
MUS 1113 001   Instr. Ensembles: Concert Band        
MUS 1211 002   Ind. Instruction: Voice        
MUS 3111 002   Ind. Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3112 001   Vocal Ensembles: Concert Choir        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3113 001   Instr. Ensembles: Concert Band        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3211 002   Ind. Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3211 003   Ind. Instruction: Woodwind        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3316 001   Secondary Music Methods        
MUS 4131 001   Senior Recital        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 5319 001   Ind Research Problems in Music        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2023

MUS 1111 002   Individual Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 1112 001   Vocal Ensemble        
MUS 1113 001   Instr Ensembles: Concert Band        
MUS 1211 002   Ind. Instruction: Voice        
MUS 3111 002   Ind. Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3112 001   Vocal Ensembles: Concert Choir        
MUS 3113 001   Instr Ensembles: Concert Band        
MUS 3211 002   Ind. Instruction: Voice        
MUS 3211 017   Ind. Instruction: Conducting        
MUS 3313 001   Fundamentals of Conducting        
MUS 4131 002   Senior Recital        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 4311 001   History of Music I        
MUS 5321 001   Seminar Vocal Pedagogy        
 | Student Evaluation

Summer 2023

MUS 1111 101   Individual Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 1309 1W1   American Music        

Spring 2023

MUS 1111 002   Individual Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 1112 001   Vocal Ensemble: Concert Choir        
MUS 1113 001   Concert Band        
MUS 1211 002   Ind. Instruction: Voice        
MUS 3111 002   Individual Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3112 001   Concert Choir        
MUS 3113 001   Concert Band        
MUS 3211 002   Individual Instruction: Voice        
MUS 3211 012   Ind. Instruction: Choral Cond.        
MUS 3311 001   Music Materials for Children        
MUS 5321 001   Seminar Vocal Pedagogy        

Fall 2022

MUS 1111 002   Individual Instruction: Voice        
MUS 1112 002   Vocal Ensemble: Concert Choir        
MUS 1113 001   Instr. Ensembles: Concert Band        
MUS 1114 001   Vocal Techniques        
MUS 1211 002   Individual Instruction: Voice        
MUS 3111 002   Individual Instruction: Voice        
MUS 3112 002   Vocal Ensembles: Concert Choir        
MUS 3113 001   Instr. Ensembles: Concert Band        
MUS 3211 002   Individual Instruction: Voice        

Spring 2022

MUS 1112 002   Vocal Ensemble: Concert Choir        
MUS 1113 001   Instr. Ensembles: Concert Band        
MUS 1113 004   Inst Ensemble: LoboSpirit Band        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 1211 002   Individual Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3112 002   Vocal Ensembles: Concert Choir        
MUS 3113 001   Instr. Ensembles: Concert Band        
MUS 3113 004   Instr Ensemb: Lobo Spirt Band        
MUS 3211 002   Ind. Instruction: Voice        
 | Student Evaluation
MUS 3316 001   Secondary Music Methods        
MUS 4131 002   Senior Recital        
 | Student Evaluation