SRSU utilizes a web-based assessment planning and management system named Nuventive, where all program coordinators may report outcome results for each assessment year.
Academic Assessments must be completed through the Nuventive system by May 31st.
SRSU develops and assesses expected student learning outcomes annually for all academic programs. Academic Assessments meet SACSCOC requirements of 6.2 and 8.2.
The Academic Assessments are coordinated by Director of Institutional Assessment and Planning, Kayla Waggoner. Reach out to us if you have any questions!
Training Videos:
SRSU follows an annual assessment model for the submission and review of program assessment reports. Each academic report will include seven components:
Statement of Purpose
A statement of the design of the educational program and its mission
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
Identification of the knowledge, skills, and/or attitudes that students are expected to demonstrate before completing the program. All are aligned with the University mission and strategic plan. A minimum of three are required.
Assessment Methods
The tools used to conduct the assessment, with details about how, when, where the assessment is conducted and who conducts it. A minimum of two for each SLO is required. Grades are not acceptable measures, and surveys should not be used excessively.
Targets or Criteria for Success
The student proficiency level for each assessment method, as determined by the program.
Assessment of Results and Summary of Findings
A statement of whether the target was met and corresponding supporting data.
Use of Results and Action Plans
A critical reflection on the assessment results and an action plan for how to apply the findings from the for program improvement.
Annual Update
A discussion of growth and improvements in assessment findings from the previous assessment cycles. The assessment cycle begins in June and ends in May each year, with reviews during the summer. All reports are reviewed in a Peer Review session where deans and faculty across disciplines use a scoring rubric to provide feedback to the program coordinators.