Neal Xiong
Curriculum Vitæ Not current staff or faculty |
Neal Xiong (S’05–M’08–SM’12) is a Computer Science Program Chair, an Associate Professor at Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Sul Ross State University, Alpine, TX 79830, USA. He received his both PhD degrees in Wuhan University (2007, about sensor system engineering), and Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (2008, about dependable communication networks), respectively. Before he attended Sul Ross State University, he worked about 15 years in USA. His research interests include Cloud Computing, Security and Dependability, AI, Data Analysis, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Software Engineering, and Networks.
Dr. Xiong published over 250 IEEE journal papers and over 100 international conference papers. Some of his works were published in IEEE JSAC, IEEE or ACM transactions, ACM Sigcomm workshop, IEEE INFOCOM, ICDCS, and IPDPS. He also submitted several papers in NATURE and SCIENCE journals. He has been a General Chair, Program Chair, Publicity Chair, Program Committee member and Organizing Committee member of over 100 international conferences, and as a reviewer of about 100 international journals, including IEEE JSAC, IEEE SMC (Park: A/B/C), IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems. He is serving as an Editor-in-Chief, Associate editor or Editor member for over 10 international journals (including Associate Editor for IEEE Tran. on Systems, Man & Cybernetics: Systems, Associate Editor for IEEE Tran. on Network Science and Engineering, Associate Editor for Information Science, Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Internet Technology (JIT), and Editor-in-Chief for Journal of Parallel & Cloud Computing (PCC)), and a guest editor for over 10 international journals, including Sensor Journal, WINET and MONET. He has received the Best Paper Award in the 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-08) and the Best student Paper Award in the 28th North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Annual Conference (NAFIPS2009).
Dr. Xiong is the Chair of “Trusted Cloud Computing” Task Force, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), HYPERLINK "" ~cscnxx/ index-TF.html, and the Industry System Applications Technical Committee, HYPERLINK ""; He is a Senior member of IEEE Computer Society from 2012, E-mail:
v Publons: 719, 250+ IEEE Journal,
v DBLP: 711 (Journal 531, Conf. 148),
v Research Gate: 49.71;
v Google: H-index: 79, i10-index: 289, Citations: 16,370;
v Scopus/Orcid: 868 papers, 16,664 citations, h-index 69,
Fall 2024
CSA 1309 001 | Computer Science I | |
CSA 1309 L01 | Computer Science I Lab | |
CSA 2315 001 | Data Structures | |
CSA 2315 L01 | Data Structures Lab | |
CSA 3360 001 | Cyber Sec Plan & Mgmt | |
CSA 4306 W01 | Individual Studies | |
CSA 4310 001 | Senior Capstone I | | Student Evaluation |
Spring 2024
CSA 1320 001 | Computer Science II | | Student Evaluation |
CSA 1320 L01 | Computer Science II Lab | | Student Evaluation |
CSA 3310 001 | Computer Communications | |
CSA 3316 001 | Operating Systems | |
CSA 4311 001 | Senior Capstone II |
Fall 2023
CS 2315 001 | Data Structures | |
CSA 1309 001 | Computer Science I | | Student Evaluation |
CSA 1309 L01 | Computer Science I | | Student Evaluation |
CSA 4324 001 | Arts Technology Capstone I | |
CSA 4372 001 | Intrusion Detect/Prevent |
Summer 2023
CS 3306 202 | ST: Python Programming | | Student Evaluation |
Spring 2023
CS 1320 001 | Computer Science II | |
CS 1320 L01 | Computer Science II Lab | | Student Evaluation |
CSAT 3360 001 | User Interface Prog | |
CSAT 4311 001 | Capstone II | |
CSST 3322 001 | Secure Program Practices | |
CSST 4374 001 | Network Defense |
Fall 2022
CS 1309 001 | Computer Science I | | Student Evaluation |
CS 1309 L01 | Computer Science I Lab | | Student Evaluation |
CS 2315 001 | Data Structures | | Student Evaluation |
CS 2315 L01 | Data Structures Lab | | Student Evaluation |
CSAT 3360 001 | User Interface Prog | |
CSAT 4310 001 | Senior Capstone | N/A | |
CSAT 4311 W01 | Capstone II | |
CSST 3382 W01 | Cyber Sec Plan & Mgmt | |
CSST 4372 V01 | Intrusion Detect/Prevent |