

Hugh Morrissey, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor

Curriculum Vitæ

Kinesiology & Human Performance
GPC 102A   C-115

Fall 2024

KINE 1350 001   Sports Officiating        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 2302 001   Recreation & Leisure Serv        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 3302 001   Motor Development        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 4340 2W1   Legal and Ethical Issues        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 5313 1W1   Phys & Human Performance        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 5324 1W1   Applied Marketing in Sports        
 | Student Evaluation
SRSU 1101 005   1st Year Seminar: Kinesiology        
 | Student Evaluation

Summer 2024

BIOL 4102 211   McNair Research        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 1301 2W1   Intro to Phys Fit & Sport        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 4340 1W1   Legal and Ethical Issues        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 5313 1W1   Phys & Human Performance        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 5321 2W1   Leadership in Sport Admin        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

KINE 1301 001   Intro to Phys Fit & Sport        
KINE 2340 001   Prin of Ath Coaching        
KINE 3302 001   Motor Development        
KINE 4340 W01   Legal and Ethical Issues        
KINE 5321 2W1   Leadership in Sport Admin        
KINE 5324 1W1   Applied Marketing in Sports        
KINE 5324 W01   Applied Marketing in Sports        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2023

KINE 1301 001   Intro to Phys Fit & Sport        
KINE 3302 001   Motor Development        
KINE 3370 001   Recreation Admin        
KINE 4340 W01   Legal and Ethical Issues        
KINE 5316 W01   Motor Learn and Control        
KINE 5321 W01   Leadership in Sport Admin        
SRSU 1101 006   First Year Seminar - Kine        

Summer 2023

KINE 1301 201   Intro to Phys Fit & Sport        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 4340 1W1   Legal and Ethical Issues        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 5313 1W1   Phys & Human Performance        
KINE 5321 2W1   Leadership in Sport Admin        

Spring 2023

KINE 1301 001   Intro to Phys Fit & Sport        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 3302 001   Motor Development        
KINE 3305 001   Physiology of Exercise        
KINE 4311 001   Tests and Measurements        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 4340 001   Legal and Ethical Issues        
KINE 5313 W01   Phys & Human Performance        
KINE 5321 W01   Leadership in Sport Admin        

Fall 2022

KINE 1301 001   Intro to Phys Fit & Sport        
KINE 3302 001   Motor Development        
KINE 3305 001   Physiology of Exercise        
KINE 4340 001   Legal and Ethical Issues        
KINE 5313 W01   Phys & Human Performance        
 | Student Evaluation
KINE 5321 W01   Leadership in Sport Admin