

Mark Saka

RGC Professor History

Curriculum Vitæ

Behavioral & Social Sciences
LH 210   C-157
830 2793046

I am the professor of history, a position I have held since 1995. I am also a professor of political science. I love to teach

Fall 2024

HIST 1301 EP3   History Of The US To 1877        
 | Student Evaluation
HIST 3307 W01   Hist Pre-Columbian Col Mexico        
 | Student Evaluation
HIST 5303 W01   Seminar in Mexican History        
 | Student Evaluation
HST 3307 W01   Hist PreColumbian & Col Mexico        
 | Student Evaluation
HST 3311 V01   The Study of History        
 | Student Evaluation
HST 4304 V01   Hist Immigration & Ethn in Am        
 | Student Evaluation
POLS 3308 001   The Presidency        
 | Student Evaluation
PS 3308 V01   The Presidency        
 | Student Evaluation

Summer 2024

HST 4320 1W1   Twentieth Cen Amer        
 | Student Evaluation
POLS 3307 2W1   Contemp Amer For Policy        
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

HIST 1302 E01   History Of The US Since 1877        
 | Student Evaluation
HIST 4317 V02   ST:Hist of the Modern Mid-East        
 | Student Evaluation
HIST 4317 W02   ST: The Religions of Asia        
 | Student Evaluation
HIST 5313 W01   ST: The Religions of Asia        
HST 4317 V01   ST:Hist of the Modern Mid-East        
HST 4317 W01   ST: The Religions of Asia        
 | Student Evaluation
POLS 3302 E02   American Constitutional Law        
POLS 3304 W01   Integrated Social Sciences        
 | Student Evaluation
PS 3302 V01   American Constitutional Law        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2023

HIST 4317 W02   ST: World Religions        
 | Student Evaluation
HIST 5312 W01   Research Wrld Hist since 1500        
 | Student Evaluation
HIST 5313 W01   ST: World Religions        
HST 4305 H02   History of Modern Asia        
HST 4305 U03   History of Modern Asia        
 | Student Evaluation
HST 4317 W01   ST: World Religions        
POLS 3304 W01   Integrated Social Sciences        
POLS 4302 H01   American Political Thought        
 | Student Evaluation
POLS 4302 H02   American Political Thought        
 | Student Evaluation
POLS 4302 U03   American Political Thought        
 | Student Evaluation
PS 4302 V01   American Political Thought        

Summer 2023

HIST 1301 2W1   History Of The US To 1877        
HIST 4316 1W1   Readings And Research        
 | Student Evaluation
HST 4315 1W1   19Th Century U.S. History        
POLS 3304 2W1   Integrated Social Sciences        

Spring 2023

HIST 1301 V01   History Of The US To 1877        
HIST 1301 VC1   History Of The US To 1877        
 | Student Evaluation
HIST 4302 V01   American Diplomatic Hist        
 | Student Evaluation
HIST 5312 W01   Research & Writing        
 | Student Evaluation
HST 4302 H01   Amer Diplomatic Hist        
HST 4302 H02   Amer Diplomatic Hist        
HST 4302 U03   Amer Diplomatic Hist        
POLS 3304 W01   Integrated Social Sciences        
POLS 3307 H01   Contemp Amer For Policy        
POLS 3307 H02   Contemp Amer For Policy        
 | Student Evaluation
PS 3307 V01   Contemp Amer Foreign Policy        
 | Student Evaluation
PS 5317 V01   Contemp Amer For Policy        
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2022

HIST 1301 VC1   History Of The US To 1877        
HST 3311 H01   The Study of History        
HST 3311 H02   The Study of History        
HST 3311 U03   The Study of History        
 | Student Evaluation
POLS 3304 W01   Integrated Social Sciences        
POLS 3308 H01   The Presidency        
POLS 3308 H02   The Presidency        
 | Student Evaluation
POLS 3308 U03   The Presidency        
 | Student Evaluation