
Key Access

Campus facilities are generally open from 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Hours are extended for areas conducting night classes or other campus activities. Students who work for Sul Ross State University may be issued keys to certain facilities, provided that a completed Key Request Form is provided to the University Police Department by the respective department head/chair. The same holds true for faculty and staff. All keys issued to Sul Ross students and employees must be turned in to the University Police Department upon termination of employment or withdrawal from the university, or an explanation must be received from the respective academic department head/chair. A hold will be placed on student transcripts and /or registration for failure to return keys. At no time are keys to be turned in to anyone other than U.P.D.

Requesting Keys

Students and employees who need keys may download a copy of the  in PDF format. The form must be filled out and signed, then turned in to the U.P.D. Requests for master or sub-master keys to facilities require additional approval from a Sul Ross executive committee member. Requests may take up to three business days to be filled.