

MUS 4131

MUS 4131 Senior Recital (1-0). A course to be the capstone of applied music individual instruction. Students will prepare 20 minutes (actual) of music for a public recital demonstrating proficiency on their instrument or voice. They will also prepare a program including scholarly program notes which have been researched and relate to the music to be performed.

Fall 2024

Senior Recital   Section 001   Andrew D. Alegría
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2024

Senior Recital   Section 001   Andrew D. Alegría
 | Student Evaluation
Senior Recital   Section 002   Marina Azar
 | Student Evaluation

Fall 2023

Senior Recital   Section 001   Karrin Ford
Senior Recital   Section 002   Andrew D. Alegría
 | Student Evaluation
Senior Recital   Section W03   Mary Elizabeth Thompson
 | Student Evaluation

Spring 2023

Senior Recital   Section 002   Chuck Wilson
 | Student Evaluation
Senior Recital   Section V04   Mary Elizabeth Thompson

Fall 2022

Senior Recital   Section 003   Chuck Wilson
 | Student Evaluation
Senior Recital   Section V01   Karrin Ford