
Parking and Traffic Regulations

Vehicle Registration

Upon arrival, all vehicles operated on campus must be registered with the University Police Department, and must bear a current SRSU permit. All full time, part time, weekend format students, faculty and staff must have their parking permit properly displayed. Permits are good for a year and valid September 1-August 31 of each year. Permits are issued per vehicle parked on campus. The yearly fee is $65 for students, faculty, and staff and a fee of $21 is charged for summer sessions only if the person was not registered for classes or employed at Sul Ross in preceding semesters. If a vehicle is to be operated on campus on a temporary basis, a temporary permit for a maximum of two weeks must be obtained at U.P.D. free of charge. Visitors to campus must also register with U.P.D. upon arrival. A visitors parking permit will be issued per visit free of charge. U.P.D. is aware that vehicles may be on the campus at hours other than normal business hours where a parking permit cannot be obtained upon arrival. If you receive a parking citation during these hours please register with U.P.D. the following business day and we will void the citation. U.P.D. provides for one week leniency for parking permits at the start of the fall semester, and also makes exception for move-in day and special events provided that you do not park in Handicap spacing unless you have the proper Handicap tags or placard displayed on your vehicle.

Permit Display

Permit must be displayed at all times when parked. Motorcycles should affix the permit to the front right fork. Permits must correspond with the license plates for which the permit was issued. Permits should be removed from vehicles when validity expires or immediately upon change of ownership or disassociation from Sul Ross State University. Failure to do so may cause citations to be charged against the person to whom the permit was issued.

Designated Parking

Students, faculty and staff may park in any of the designated parking areas (painted open white lines) except those areas designated for Visitors, Handicap, Service vehicles, or Fire zones. Enclosed white lines or roadway curbing are not designated parking. Visitors are always welcome and may park in the designated parking areas or designated visitor parking areas.

Areas designated for visitor parking are marked with white lines or curbing indicating “visitor” and “visitor parking” signs. Specific areas for visitor parking are the circle at the Briscoe Administration Building and the Museum. Visitors may also park in the main parking lots.

Areas designated for disability parking are marked with blue lines or curbing and “handicap parking” signs.

Areas designated for motorcycle parking are the same as for all vehicles.

Areas designated for service parking are marked with yellow lines or curbing. Yellow lines indicate “no parking,” with the only exception being for service vehicles and/or vehicles that are loading or unloading.

Areas designated for fire zones are marked with red lines or curbing.

Areas designated for students, faculty and staff parking are marked with white open lines.

All parking areas on the main campus and parking areas not on the main campus are essentially the same with the following exceptions:

Circle parking area in the vicinity of the Bryan Wildenthal Library and the Briscoe Administration Building – 8am-5pm Monday thru Friday – the outer portion of the Circle has white painted lines indicating parking spaces reserved for visitors/guests. General parking is allowed in the white painted open parallel spaces on weekends and after 5pm on weekdays in the outside portion of the Circle parking area. The inner portion of the Circle is dedicated to service vehicles. Other areas are reserved for service vehicles, loading zone, fire zone, and persons with disabilities.

Physical Plant parking lot between the Central Plant and the Industrial Technology building – Physical Plant Staff only.

Museum of the Big Bend parking area – Museum visitors only.

Lobo Village 1, Lobo Village 2, and Lobo Village 7 circle driveways – roadways are not a parking area.

Agricultural & Natural Resource Sciences parking lots – parking in parking lots enforced same as on the main campus.

Areas not marked with white lines – not a parking space.

Areas with enclosed white lines – not a parking space.

Vehicle Parking Regulations

All vehicles must be parked within the confines of a marked, designated parking space. The fact that other vehicles are parked improperly shall not constitute an excuse for parking with any part of the motor vehicle over any lines.

Vehicles should not be parked facing the flow of oncoming traffic.

Parking is prohibited at any area where traffic cones or barricades have been placed (i.e. light repair, road hazard, special event, parking lot striping).

All vehicles parked in parallel parking spaces must be parked within 12 inches of the curb.

Vehicles being parked in marked spaces designated for an angle or head-in parking must be parked with the front bumper next to the curb or curb line.

Double parking is prohibited.

Parking is prohibited in any area not specifically designated for parking purposes, to include lawns, neutral grounds, driveways, sidewalks or within restricted or prohibited spaces indicated by signs or markings. Any yellow marked space and or enclosed white lines are prohibited parking spaces. Loading zones are for the use of authorized vehicles only. Emergency flashers should be on to designate loading and unloading of the vehicles.

Overnight parking on campus is restricted to resident students, faculty and staff and their official guest or guests of the University.

Parking for the disabled is designated in certain areas of the campus. Only vehicles with state-issued handicap license plates or decals are authorized to park in handicap areas. Vehicles parked in violation of handicap parking areas will be towed away at the operator’s expense in addition to a fine for parking in a handicap zone.

Moving Vehicle Violations

The maximum speed limit on campus is 20 mph unless otherwise posted. In an effort to provide pedestrian safety and reduce traffic accidents the maximum suggested speed is 10 mph in campus parking lots. Vehicles may not be operated at any speed which is excessive for the conditions that may exist as a result of weather, traffic congestion, pedestrians, etc.

Traffic control signs, devices, crosswalks and directions of University Police Department (U.P.D.) officers must be obeyed. U.P.D. officers are authorized to make arrests and issue citations under the State of Texas Transportation Code for violations.

Operating a motor vehicle in an area other than a street, roadway or parking lot intended for motor vehicles is prohibited.

All accidents must be reported immediately to the University Police Department. Do not leave the scene of an accident until instructed to do so by the police officers.

U-turns are prohibited on all streets.

Texas Transportation Code governing the operation of motor vehicles, moving or otherwise, will be enforced at all times.

There are driving paths in the parking lots and vehicles being driven should avoid cutting through parking areas in order to avoid light poles strategically placed in the parking lots.

Radar and factory-calibrated speedometers are used on campus as a means of enforcement of existing speed limits and as a deterrent.

Vehicles shall not be used to tow a rider on roller skates, sled, bicycle, wagon or contrivance.

General Provisions

Neither inclement weather nor special events will alter provisions of these regulations.

The person in whose name the vehicle is registered is responsible for the vehicle and parking citations issued to the vehicle on campus.

Failure to register a motor vehicle, falsifying parking citations, removing parking citations from parked vehicles or abuse of driving privileges may subject the violator to disciplinary action.

Parking of utility trailers or boats or any pulled conveyance on University Property is prohibited except in designated areas. Utility trailer space is available on campus at the Range Animal Science facility.

Students with indebtedness to the University because of parking citations will not be permitted to re-enroll or procure a transcript until such indebtedness is paid.

Disabled vehicles must be reported immediately to the University Police Department.

Major repairs and oil changes are not allowed on campus.

Faculty/staff and students with temporary disabilities or handicaps should contact the University Police Department Director to apply for temporary handicap parking permit.

Pedestrians have the right of way over motor vehicles when crossing the street in areas marked as pedestrian crossings.

All persons riding in vehicles will ride seated in the vehicle.

The university reserves the right to impound or have impounded any vehicle that is parked in a manner dangerous to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or in flagrant violation of university parking regulations. The vehicle owner shall bear all costs involved in such vehicle removal.

Accessible Parking

All accessible parking spaces, together with their accompanying access aisles, curb ramps, and accessible routes leading to the accessible entrances shall be provided in accordance with the U.S. Department of Justice’s accessibility guidelines (ADAAG, Appendix A to 34 C.F.R. Part 36), and shall be provided and made available to students, faculty, staff, and the general public for all university programs, activities, and/or services, and should not be blocked or otherwise made unavailable. If it is determined to be necessary to temporarily block or otherwise make unavailable any accessible parking spaces on the SRSU campus an adequate number of alternative accessible parking spaces will be provided in close proximity to the blocked/unavailable accessible parking, which provides comparable accessible parking on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible entrance or university program, activity or services. If temporary, alternative accessible parking is provided, it will be accompanied by adequate signage that informs students, faculty/staff, and/or the general public of the existence and location of said parking. The use and/or reservation of all SRSU facilities must first receive review and approval/denial by the Coordinator of the SRSU Campus Activities Office, by means of the completion of a Facility Use Request Form. The SRSU Campus Activities Office is located in Morgan University Center, Room 108, and the phone number for the Campus Activities Coordinator is (432) 837-8191.

Fines and Fees

Administrative Fee: All fines must be paid within 10 class days to avoid a $5 late payment penalty.

Vehicle Use Fee: As required and explained in “Vehicle Registration”:

Yearly permit beginning with fall semester for students: $65

Yearly permit beginning with fall semester for faculty and staff: $65

Summer permit, not previously registered: $21

​Fines: Moving violations are paid or appealed through the Alpine, Texas, Municipal Judges office and/or through the Brewster County Justice of the Peace. Campus Parking violations are paid or appealed through the University Police Department. The parking fines are as follows:

Violation Fine
Parked in Handicap Zone $200
Moving Violation $150
Falsifying Vehicle Registration and/or Altering Citation or Permit $50
Parked in a Loading Zone or Blocking Dumpster $50
Tampering with Impounded Vehicle $50
Improper Display of Permit $50
No Display of Permit $50
Parked in a Reserved Area or in Visitor’s Space $50
Parked Facing Flow of Traffic $50
Parked in No Parking Zone $50
Failure to Park Within Marked Space $50
Failure to Park in Designated Parking Space $50
Other Violation $50

For the fifth unpaid parking citation, the loss of driving/parking privileges and/or disciplinary action will result. Upon receiving the fifth unpaid citation, a letter will be sent to the violator giving the violator 10 class days to resolve the citations. If the citations are not paid or if the fifth parking citation is not appealed after 10 class days, notification will be mailed to the violator stating the time and date all driving and parking privileges are suspended. To reinstate driving/parking privileges, the violator must contact the University Police Department or his/her designated representative. Vehicle immobilizers or impoundment may be used by U.P.D. Officers for excessive citations (five or more), failure to pay fines and/or suspension of driving/parking privileges if the vehicle is located on campus. A vehicle that is impounded will be at owner’s expense and will remain impounded until parking fines, towing and storage and/or vehicle boot fees have been paid. Payment of parking fines and fees will be required to have the vehicle immobilizer removed. Citations for violations of campus parking or Transportation Code need not be issued directly to owner/operator of a motor vehicle. Failure to receive a legally-issued citation does not relieve the individual of responsibility for any fines resulting from the citation. A student’s transcript will be held for failure to resolve parking citations. Vehicle immobilization boots are used by the University Police Department for excessive citations, failure to pay fines and consistent failure to comply with parking regulations.


Student parking citation appeals shall be adjudicated through the Student Traffic Court. All Parking citation appeals must be scheduled for appeals court at the University Police Department within ten (10) class days of citation issuance. It is the violator’s duty to contact the U.P.D. office and fill out the proper forms in person. The schedule for the Student Traffic Court can be obtained at the Student Government Association (SGA) office. Decisions of the SGA office are final.


Bicycles are subject to the same traffic laws and regulations as motorized vehicles, including adherence to traffic signs and signals, traveling with the flow of traffic, and yielding the right-of-way to pedestrians. Violations are subject to municipal or county citations. Specific rules and regulations as they pertain to the use of bicycles on campus are as follows:

Bicycles must obey all motor vehicle laws in regard to signs, signals and speed limits.

Bicycles at night must display lights in accordance with Texas State Law.

Bicycles may be ridden on sidewalks with pedestrians having the right of way.

Bicycles shall yield right of way to pedestrians.

Bicycles driven on roadways should travel on the right side with the traffic flow.

Bicycles in a group shall be driven in a single file. The only exception would be special events.

Bicycles should be parked in racks provided or out of the way of vehicles and pedestrians.

Bicycles should not be stored in university buildings or residential halls

Skateboards, Roller Blades, Roller Skates In-line skates, and In-Line Scooters

Skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, in-line skates, in-line scooters, and hoover boards may not be utilized anywhere on the Sul Ross State University campus including all sidewalks, parking lots, athletic facilities and buildings.

(Last Revised 7/1/2020)