
The responsibilities of the Graduate Council are to:

  • Recommend general policies and regulations for graduate programs, including general admission requirements, language requirements, procedures for conducting general examinations, criteria for admission to candidacy, regulations for the preparation and submission of theses, and the coordination of interdisciplinary programs.
  • Recommend criteria for the graduate faculty and review proposed new graduate programs and proposed terminations of current graduate programs.
  • Assist and make recommendations on matters of institutional effectiveness relating to graduate studies, including adherence to standards of the University as printed in the catalog and to the accreditation criteria of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
  • Periodically review graduate programs and make recommendations concerning their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Serve as liaison between the graduate faculty and administration.
  • Recommend policies on the professional development of the graduate faculty.


Primary Responsibility Area: Academic



Membership shall consist of the chairs or representatives of departments with graduate programs.

Chair: Dean of the College of Graduate Studies